
The map is up!!

The long-awaited map is finally up our website. Have a look, if you haven't seen it already. This will be a great way to watch the project grow as more and more people sign up. Enjoy!


Spreading the Word

Wash for Life got two big breaks today. First, an article about us appears in this week's National Catholic Register, which is one of the most widespread Catholic newspapers. Then, we got a spot on the Family News radio program, a project of Focus on the Family that broadcasts from around 500 stations across the country. We've been working with the authors and have been looking forward to this for a long time. Keep an eye open for the Register article, and listen to the radio broadcast online.



Here's our booth!

Notice the dance pad next door at the Baltimore Archdiocese Youth Ministry's booth.. That attracted a lot of kids, which meant that we got to talk to their parents! Hillary liked it too..


NACHE Conference

This last weekend we had a booth set up at the Catholic Family Expo in Baltimore. The conference was presented by the National Association of Catholic Home Educators (NACHE), so, as you can imagine, there were a lot of families with a lot of kids running around. When they discovered that the Wash for Life table had both chocolate and 500 bouncy-balls to give away, we became pretty popular!

We were able to tell lots of people about the project. Many took flyers and promised to bring them back to their parish youth leaders. Hopefully these groups will decide to hold car washes.

We were surprised and encouraged to learn that a lot of people had already heard about us! On the first day, one man saw our sign and said, "Oh yeah, the Wash for Life. My parish is doing one of those." Other people mentioned having received emails or mailings about it - not from us, but from someone else. It hasn't even been two months yet since we were really able to start working on this.. It's in the Holy Spirit's hands and He's doing a good job!

All in all, it was a good conference for us. Most of the vendors would have liked there to have been more traffic in the exhibition hall, but we did alright. Our 'neighbors' - Eric from University of Dallas, Bob the K'nex guy, the folks from the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and Joe of Life Values Financial - were fun to talk to. And the daily drives of 1 1/2 hour each way weren't bad, despite John's tendency to sail blissfully past the correct exits..

We'll be posting some pictures shortly, so check back soon..


Bigger than money

Many of you have heard by now that Warren Buffet, the second-richest man in the world, is leaving more than $35 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Gates Foundation has given several million dollars to pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood. Pro-life leaders are worried that this new source of funds will mean more money going to population control projects.

Groups that promote abortion are large and well funded. Many women don't know that there are other, better options available.

That is why what we're doing is so important. Pregnancy care centers need to be funded, and they need to be promoted. The Wash for Life does both, through the efforts of pro-life youth.

If the young people of America become active in the pro-life movement, it won't matter that we have less money than abortion supporters.

Thousands of youth, united across the nation, can have a greater voice than billions of dollars.