
Happy Birthday to Henry

Henry turns 24 today. Happy birthday! We are glad to have him working with us.


100 groups!

We are happy to report that we have passed the 100 mark for car wash sign ups! Congrats to all the brave souls who can say that they were the first participants in the first ever Wash for Life.

Here are the top five states:

North Carolina: 10
Michigan: 10
Louisiana: 8
Florida: 8
California: 7

We'll see who is on top by Sept. 16! As a SoCali native, I would like to see us pick it up a bit.

On the other side of the spectrum, here are the states with Absolutely No Participation:

Alaska - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - Hawaii - Idaho - Maine - Mississippi - Montana - North Dakota - New Hampshire - Nevada - Rhode Island - South Dakota - Utah

We will be working on these next!

Make sure to keep checking the map. The numbers are growing every day.



Latest and greatest sign that the word about the devastating effects of abortion is finally making it out in mainstream media. The latest issue of Seventeen magazine published an article by a girl who was pressured into an abortion by her mother. Although we don't support Seventeen magazine, the article is poignant: beginning with a beautiful relationship gone awry through immoral behaviour, and ending with her talking about how she writes to her unborn daughter everyday. If that wasn't amazing enough, the mother also was published saying, how sorry she was that she encouraged her daughter to have an abortion, and how she didn't realize the pain and the problems which are consequences of her fear for her daughter. The truth is coming out, the fact that this article was published at this time, shows that a change is in the air. Young people are recognizing the effects of the culture of death, and are more interested in embracing a culture of life. This generation is pro-life.


WFL is no longer available in cheez whiz..

Well everything is going well ( except that the Red Sox have lost four days in a row). We are hoping that people will see the sign-on page and sign up.

Check this site out www.carwashguys.com They have a lot of neat ideas, and maybe their information could answer some of your car washing questions. Another idea is to check with your pregnancy care center maybe you could have the wash in their parking lot. A cool idea that people have mentioned to us, is to sell tickets to the car washes before the car wash.

What else, well Henry is back!!! Yes he is great, he brings us donuts, we like him a lot. Jon wanted you all to know that he is still here, and still beautiful (See picture). Napolean the fish is very alive and well.

Check out our group on Facebook( or as Hillary calls it "Myface") The facebook group is called the Wash for Life!

Another thing, if you want to sign up but don't have time. Give us a ring and we can do it over the phone! The number is 703 241 7171. So far the east is winning with the sign ups, so you Pacific coasters, sign up to wash them cars and save those babies.

Only one member of the team eats canned cheese, guess who?

PS Ingrid has no life, and gets to poke fun on the blog. She probably will never be allowed to post again.



It is now 5 1/2 weeks until the Wash for Life. So far we have forty-four groups signed up, many fewer than our goal of two thousand. But we were thinking about it the other day, and realized: With all the articles, radio spots, blog posts, conferences, efforts contacting individual dioceses and churches, and word of mouth, it is likely that at least a million people have heard about the Wash for Life. If only 2% of those who heard about it took it seriously and thought it was a good idea, that’s twenty thousand people. And if only 1 out of 10 of these act on it and sign-up to hold a car wash, that’s our two thousand – only 0.2% of those who heard about it. So, we are still optimistic – a lot could happen in the next couple weeks; and of course, it’s in God’s hands. Plus, even with only the forty-four car washes we have now, we still have a worthwhile story.


New Blog True Choices for Women!

Here's a new blog you all should check out and link to, it is called True Choices for Women. The blog features a new pregnancy care center each week. We want everybody to know about these incredible centers. If you know of a great center, and want them to be profiled by True Choices, send us an email at Truechoices@washforlife.org. Also, if you see your local center profiled, consider doing a car wash for them or nagging your buddies to do one!